As a reminder, some shrubs that you might be tempted to prune on now, are best done after blossom. Lilacs are a prime example. Pruning now means fewer flowers to enjoy. Unless you have obvious broken or bent stems and branches that must be pruned, wait till after blossom.
We are also very close to all shrubs and trees opening so I would avoid any major renovation style pruning at this point. This includes fruit trees. Again, if you have broken branches or light structure you are wanting to address, that is fine but avoid major reduction/renovation. Instead, wait till this fall as the shrub or tree is going dormant for that style of pruning.
Be aware of other life in your yard as well that may live there. Birds and critters of all kinds may reside at your address and providing a safe and unmolested environment will ensure they can raise this year’s young ones in peace. This time of year, many birds are returning and building their nest in trees. We take precaution to avoid disturbing any nest this time of year as much as possible. Birds are not the only one who raise their young in trees. Last week a Sub Alpine Fir removal down in the fort grounds had to be shut down. Up in the top where multiple tops had formed, a mother squirrel was nursing her litter of baby squirrels. She did a fantastic job of standing her ground and intimidating our arborist in the tree. The momma squirrel won in the end and we will leave her alone for a while and hope she and the kids move out as they mature.
This is a good spot to leave off with. Perhaps this is, in fact, the perfect opportunity to segue into the topic of trees and wildlife for next week. Until then, enjoy the rebirth that is happening all around us. Spring has indeed sprung!
As always, for further questions, quotes and consultations, give us a call today.